Thursday, 11 November 2010

Jean Baudrillard - hyperreality

Simulacra and Simulation is a philosophical treatise by Jean Baudrillard

Baudrillard claims that modern society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that the human experienceis of a simulation of reality rather than reality itself.
Baudrillard suggests that the world we live in has been replaced
by a copy world, where we seek simulated stimuli and nothing

“…his postmodern universe is one of hyperreality in which entertainment,information, and communication technologies provide experiences more intense and involving than the scenes of banal everyday life, as well as the codes and models that structure everyday life. The realm of the hyperreal (relates to Jeff Koon's Play-Doh and Balloon Animals)is more real than real, whereby the models, images, and codes of the hyperreal come to control thought and behavior…

From the celebration series...

Play-Doh, 1995-2004, Oil on canvas. 334x282.2cm

A Balloon Dog, 1994-99, high chromium stainless steel with transparent colour coating. 307.3 x 363.2 x 11.3cm

This group of work known as the 'Celebration' series represents individual objects close up. Realized in hyperrealist style, the images linked to childhood seem to invade the viewer's visual space and communicate an engrossing and joyful universe (particularly reflected in the Play-Doh work)

…In other words, an individual in a postmodern world becomes merely an
entity influenced by media, technological experience, and the hyperreal…”

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